About this blog

A scientist not at work.

Hi, I’m Axel, a researcher currently at ETH Zürich, Switzerland. My scientific work deals mostly with the development of methods for describing the dynamics of molecular systems, with focus on the dynamics of the electrons when atoms and molecules (which contain the electrons) interact with strong lasers.

If this sounds boring for you, let my rephrase it: We make movies of chemical reactions, and our cameras (the lasers) have a time resolution of a few attoseconds. An attosecond is one millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a second. That’s pretty short, isn’t it? Although an attosecond is extremely short for human experience, it is the time scale on which electrons move. And electronic motion is the basis of chemistry, which is the basis of almost everything around us! Hence, understanding what happens on these time scales helps to understand how nature works. Now, if this is not enough for you (i.e., of you are of the “Does it make my car go faster?”-type), let me tell you that research in attoscience can also become the basis of future applications for the benefit of society, like the 1000-times slower femtosecond lasers have already shown.

If, however, the start of this text does not sound boring for you and you want to learn more about my research, have a look at my website or my publications.

Next to doing “practical” stuff like attoscience, I’m also interested in many other topics. This blog is there to tell you a bit about them.


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